Question Answering

Kagi uses natural language understanding and unstructured data from entire Internet to answer the unanswerable
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What kind of questions you can ask?
Where did Norman Winarsky get his Ph.D.?
Who directed the movie with an alien and kids fly on the bicycles at the end?
Why do we exist?
What is the cheapest ski school in Lake Tahoe area?
How to approach a girl I really like?
Kagi API for Developers
The aesy way to integrate state-of-the-art question answering API into application
  • Get started for Free

    Get going in no time for free, for up to 1000 non-commercial API calls per month.

  • Standard API Pricing

    Integrate into your production system. Priced at $50 per thousand queries, with a minimum of $1,000 annual commitment. Contact us for startup or large volume pricing.

  • Usage is the only us state flag that is not of rectangular shape?&key=DEMO

API access
To apply for API access please email us with your use case.
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